
软件程序打包 InstallShield 2021 R1 Premier

20 多年来,InstallShield 一直是构建 Windows 软件安装程序的黄金标准,全球几乎所有著名的软件公司都在使用它。越来越多的软件开发人员相信 InstallShield 能为他们的软件提供一种完美的本地化软件安装体验,取悦他们的最终用户并降低支持成本。 Installshield是一个强大和易于使用,用于解决Windows软件安装包开发的制作工具。用它可以以传统MSI方式和虚拟格式,自动化地封装、捆绑和包装你的产品。
IntallShield 能使你的用户在决定何时何地何方式管理和部署你的应用程序时,得到一个最时尚舒畅的安装体验。是Microsoft Windows平台上应用程序安装打包领域,使用最广泛和市场认可度最高的一款安装打包工具软件,支持Windows(客户版本及服务器版本),Web服务和移动设备。

InstallShield® is the world’s leading Windows installer development solution. InstallShield is designed to enable development teams to be more agile, collaborative and flexible when building reliable InstallScript and Windows Installer (MSI) installations for PCs, servers, Web and virtual applications. InstallShield is the only software installer that can directly convert MSIs to Microsoft App-V virtual packages.

New opportunities and fast-paced change continue to pervade the technology marketplace. To keep up, application producers need to adapt quickly, get to market faster, and deliver a seamless, contemporary customer experience. The global de facto standard on more than 500 million PCs and servers, InstallShield is a strategic software installation development solution designed for traditional and agile development teams and their Windows and virtualized installation requirements. InstallShield includes automated tools to productize, install, and bundle software in application virtualization and traditional EXE and MSI formats.

Software customers are also adapting to the new technology landscape. To support this transition, InstallShield continues to invest in providing software developers with support for the latest desktop computing technologies, and unique solutions that simplify the deployment of web/server applications to cloud, virtual, and traditional environments.

Simplify virtual and cloud-based deployments
– Use multi-tier installation templates to deploy Web/server applications as a single cloud-ready package
– Deploy to hybrid cloud databases with Microsoft Azure SQL Database support
– Support enterprise application virtualization adoption by validating compatibility and creating Microsoft App-V packages

Most popular solution for Microsoft Windows and Visual Studio support
– Comprehensive support for Microsoft Windows 7 & 8.x and Windows 10 – the fast, easy way to build Windows installers
– Create installations directly within Microsoft Visual Studio
– Support enterprise customers with ISO 19770-2 software inventory tags, PowerShell scripting, and Sideloading of Windows Store Apps

Deliver a seamless customer user experience
– Create installers that match your company and product branding with InstallShield’s Advanced UI editor
– Support continuous release processes by streaming the latest updates and patches at install time, ensuring users always install the latest version
– Localize installation text in 35 different languages

With InstallShield, you can:

  • Build simple and clean installs, upgrades and uninstalls
  • Simplify virtual and cloud-based deployments
  • Easily convert to or create MSIX packages
  • Deliver a seamless customer user experience
  • Support enterprise customers with ISO 19770-2 software inventory tags, PowerShell scripting, and sideloading of Windows Store App
  • Benefit from the standard for Windows installers with Microsoft Windows and Visual Studio support

Key Features

  • The standard for Windows Installer (MSI) and InstallScript Installations
  • Effortless Creation of MSIX Packages or Build MSIX from Existing Projects
  • Creates Windows Server App Packages (WSA) from MSI Projects and Test Apps for Compatibility
  • Provides a Fresh, Modern Designer Interface
  • Converts MSIs to Microsoft® App-V 5.1
  • Includes Custom Bootstrappers to Bundle Universal Windows Platform App Packages, MSI Installers and More
  • Installs Web Applications to Microsoft® Azure and Microsoft IIS using Microsoft Web Deploy
  • Automatically Provisions Virtual Machines for Simple Installation Testing
  • Microsoft Team Foundation Server Integration

Home Page: https://www.revenera.com/install/products/installshield


软件程序打包 InstallShield 2021 R1 Premier

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