Scientific WorkPlace 6 是一款MacKichan Software公司推出的论文排版软件。利用 Scientific WorkPlace,你可以比以前任何时候都更加容易的对数学和科学文字进行创建、编辑和排版。本软件基于易用的字处理,完全的将数学和文字写作集成到了一个同一环境中。在内建的计算机代数系统帮助下,你可以直接在屏幕上执行计算。
在 Scientific WorkPlace 里,你可以使用 LaTeX 这一数学排版的工业标准对复杂的技术文档进行排版。由于 LaTeX 在精确度和品质上的优越性,科学材料的出版商和作者都在广泛的应用 LaTeX。当你在排版的时候,LaTeX 能自动的生成脚注、索引、参考数目、目录以及交叉引用等等。
Scientific WorkPlace 将以自然数学符号输入编辑数学公式的便利性,和使用内建的计算机代数引擎 ( MuPAD® 3.1 ) 来计算的能力,结合了起来。在这个集成的工作环境下,你可以直接输入数学公式并执行计算,而不需要用一种编程语言来思考和工作。
该计算机代数系统使用自然的数学符号,因此你完全没必要掌握复杂的语法就可以评估、精简、解决或者绘制数学表达式。具有完全计算机代数能力。你可以计算符号和数字,综合、区别和解决代数与微分方程。利用菜单命令,你可以计算超过 150 种的实物计量单位。你还可以从图形化的计算器中导入数据。
另外,你可以使用Scientific WorkPlace 提供的 Exam Builder 来构造代数测验,也可以在一台联网服务器上生成课堂测验,并且评分和记录。
Scientific WorkPlace 令到与其他地点的同事一起工作得以简化。现在的版本包括了一个新的用于导入原生 LaTeX 文件的输入过滤器。这个过滤器可以读取许多不是在Scientific WorkPlace 中创建的宏定义。
Scientific WorkPlace 可以导入文本(.txt)和富文本(.rtf)格式的文件,并可以导出到 RTF 格式以便输出到微软 Word 中。你文档中的数学公式会被转换为微软公式编辑器或者 MathType 5 格式。
你可以从你的文档中创建 .dvi/.htm/.pdf 或者 .rft 文件,或者生成可携带的 LaTeX 输出以便无缝转换到兼容其他不同的 LaTeX 软件。当然,你还可以复制内容到剪切板以便输出文字或图形到其他应用程序。文档管理器通过建立包含一切的文档文件,包括图形快照和 VCAM 文件等等,来简化同事间的文件传输。
不管你想用鼠标还是键盘,输入数学公式都是非常简单直接的事,并几乎没有什么任何学习曲线。格式化是快速、简单而又一致的。在Scientific WorkPlace 中,你可以使用标签来定义文档结构并且对它进行一致的格式化。
许多用户都报告说当员工使用Scientific WorkPlace 替代原始的 LaTeX 来排版文档时,生产力会有显著的提高。不管是不是专门的技术用户,都可以很快的学习到怎样输入和计算等式,创建表格和矩阵,以及导入和创建图形,而所有这些,都附带由 TrueType 轮廓字体建立的令人愉快的在屏数学公式和斜体字。
Scientific WorkPlace 拥有简化撰写、编辑书籍和其他大型文档的工具。它非常适合于在学术的、工业的和政府机构工作的作者,并且适用于所有科学和技术领域,包括数学、物理、工程、经济、化学、计算机科学、统计、医学研究和逻辑学等等。在外部搜索功能的帮助下,你可以从 Scientific WorkPlace 文档中直接访问或运行外部程序,比如一个搜索引擎或其他应用程序。
Scientific WorkPlace 令到与其他地点的同事一起工作得以简化。你可以导入文本(.txt)和富文本格式(.rft)的文件,你还可以复制内容到剪切板以便输出文字或图形到其他应用程序。你可以从你的文档中创建 .dvi/.htm/.pdf 或者 .rft 文件,或者生成可携带的 LaTeX 输出以便无缝转换到兼容其他不同的 LaTeX 软件。文档管理器还简化了通过email和磁盘的文件传输。
Scientific WorkPlace 拥有一个内置的连接互联网的连接。如果你可以连接互联网,你就能够在软件中直接打开位于任何 URL 地址的文件。而且你还可以将内容通过互联网发送出去。本软件支持超文本链接,因此你很容易就可以导航读者访问一系列的相关文档。读者们可以使用免费发布的 Scientific Viewer 来查看和打印文档。
Scientific WorkPlace 6
Scientific WorkPlace Version 6 makes writing, sharing and typesetting mathematical and scientific text easier than you ever imagined. This is an easy-to-use word processor that integrates mathematics and text in the same environment. The embedded MuPAD 5® computer algebra engine in Scientific WorkPlace 6 allows the user to perform computations on the screen, and to print them out correctly formatted.
With Version 6 you have a choice of operating systems: Windows® or OS X®. With its entirely new Mozilla-based architecture, Version 6 provides more flexibility; you can save or export your documents in multiple formats according to your publication and portability needs.
Scientific WorkPlace 6 continues to be a front-end for the LATEX typesetting program which is used to typeset complex technical documents. This means that you don’t have to learn the LATEX syntax. Because of its superior precision and quality, LATEX is the gold standard for publishers and authors of scientific papers and books.
When you typeset, LATEX automatically generates footnotes, indexes, bibliographies, tables of contents and cross references. The software includes document shells that have been designed to meet the typesetting requirements of specific professional journals and institutions. Scientific WorkPlace 6 automatically saves your documents as XML files. This makes them completely portable across platforms. Sharing your work with colleagues is easy and seamless.
New Look
Scientific WorkPlace 6 has an updated program window with streamlined layouts for the toolbars and symbol panels. Most tools work the same way they did in earlier versions. A mouse-activated tooltip gives the name of each toolbar button and panel symbols. With Version 6 you can display your document with or without XML tags, as XHTML source code, or PDF.
Document Production
Documents and all files related to them (embedded files, plot files, etc.) are automatically bundled together. In Scientific WorkPlace 6 you only need a single file bearing the extension .sci to share a document.
You can seamlessly import LATEX files created with earlier versions of the program, and can export any document as a LATEX file.
In XML and XHTML files, Version 6 represents your mathematics as MathML. This makes it easy to create XHTML web files for the representation of your mathematics on various platforms over the Internet with a browser. The recommended browser for Version 6 is Firefox, not Scientific Viewer.
Scientific WorkPlace 6 gives you multiple document production options. You can choose whether to preview or print directly from the program window when you are ready for output, or you can view your document in a browser. With Scientific WorkPlace you can typeset your document when you need the extensive document formatting that LATEX and pdfLATEX provide.
New to Version 6 you may Undo an unlimited number of previous editing changes from your current session within a document.
Also new is the ability to check your spelling in realtime. With the inline spell checking from MySpell, you can catch any misspellings. MySpell, which is open-source, includes dictionaries in over 40 languages. Misspelled words have a wavy red underline.
Scientific WorkPlace 6 speeds document formatting with a new visual interface for page layouts. Common tasks, such as a section head and footnote formatting are simpler. This new WYSIWYG interface translates directly to TEX. There is little or no need to use the document preamble or raw TEX commands to achieve the page format you want.
Fragments in Version 6 can contain text, mathematics, TEX strings, XHTML code, graphics, or anything else that can go on the clipboard. The program comes with a few pre-defined fragments. Information in fragments can carry tags, and fragments from each document are available to all.
Tables in Scientific WorkPlace 6 are made easier by a new visual interface. Rows and columns will resize automatically to fit the amount of information being entered; you can also manually resize them.
Scientific WorkPlace 6 gives you improved and scalable fonts. Use pdfLATEX or XƎTEX to create documents with a wide variety of scalable fonts. With XƎTEX you can use any OpenType font installed on your computer, as well as Unicode and associated extended Unicode TrueType fonts. The program includes the latest version of LATEX and AMS macros. The packages yield ligatures and kerning in all text when documents are typeset.
Scientific WorkPlace 6 supports any left-to-right or right-to-left language that is supported by your operating system.
The manual, Creating Documents with Scientific WorkPlace and Scientific Word Version 6, by Clint Hicks, is a guide to the substantial changes in this new version. Written as an introduction for new users, as well as giving existing users information about the important changes to the functionality of our programs, this manual is available as a download, but can also be purchased in paperback.
Scientific WorkPlace 6 Adds the Power of MuPAD 5
Scientific WorkPlace 6 uses MuPAD 5 as the embedded computer algebra system. In this integrated working environment, you can enter mathematics and perform computations without having to think or work in a programming language.
Scientific WorkPlace 6 uses natural mathematical notation, so you don’t have to master complex syntax to be able to evaluate, simplify, solve, or plot mathematical expressions. Full computer algebra capabilities are available. You can compute symbolically or numerically, integrate, differentiate, and solve algebraic and differential equations. With menu commands you can compute with over 150 units of physical measure.
With Scientific WorkPlace 6 you can create two- and three-dimensional plots in many styles and coordinate systems, and enhance the plots with background color, grid lines, and plot labels in specified locations and orientations. Although there are substantial changes to Scientific WorkPlace 6, the computation behavior of the program is largely unchanged and will be familiar to previous users of our products.
The manual, Doing Mathematics with Scientific WorkPlace and Scientific Notebook Version 6 by Darel W. Hardy and Carol L. Walker, describes the use of the underlying computer algebra system for doing mathematical calculations. In particular, it explains how to use the built-in computer algebra system to do a wide range of mathematics without dealing directly with MuPAD syntax. This manual is available as a download, but can also be purchased in paperback.
Increased Productivity
While you are doing the work of creating content, you do not need to be distracted by formatting tasks. Scientific WorkPlace 6 does that work for you. With so many available output options, each with a different purpose and appearance, taking the time-consuming approach of trying to make the document on the screen look as much as possible like the printed document is simply not necessary.
Because the document window does not correspond directly to the size of online or printed pages, the program does not display page divisions or fixed line lengths on the screen; lines are broken to fit the size of the window. When you preview the document, you will see the page divisions correctly. Our programs use styles and tags for formatting documents, which can be printed directly or saved as XHTML files for use on your website.
Version 6 provides direct access to the Internet from within the program. The online Help system provides fast information when you need it. Free, competent technical help is available from MacKichan Software, Inc. by email, phone, or fax.
科学论文排版软件 MacKichan Scientific Workplace v5.5+v6.0.27中文汉化版
官方下载和试用序列号: Version 6.1.2 (07/01/2021)
Download 30-Day Product (English Only) | 30-Day Serial Number by Product |
Scientific WorkPlace 6 | 418-E0700-19939-32109-63400 |
Scientific Word 6 | 315-E0700-19661-23150-14856 |
Scientific Notebook 6 | 118-E0700-19788-68928-89544 |
Scientific WorkPlace 6 for Windows
Scientific WorkPlace 6 for Macintosh
Scientific Word 6 for Windows
Scientific Notebook 6 for Macintosh