
网络优化器 cFosSpeed v12.0.0

cFosSpeed 能提高您网络的吞吐能力并且降低网络延迟,cFosSpeed使用“Traffic Shaping“(流量塑形)技术对Internet数据包进行重新排序,让您的游戏或网页等重要网络流量优先传输,其余流量延后传输,大大减少等待时间(降低游戏延迟,提高网页以及视频的加载速度),常规环境下可以提高网络的质量。

cFosSpeed 网络加速器 + Ping优化器

cFosSpeed 加快数据吞吐速率,降低网络延时。

  • 让您在高速上传下载时仍然保持网络的快速
  • 改善您的网络游戏延时
  • 减少音视频缓冲问题

cFosSpeed 通过Traffic Shaping流量整形 和 优化技术来改善您的网络连接。

适用的网络接入类型: DSL, Cable,无线宽带(2G/3G), Wi-Fi等等。


简而言之,这世界上没有免费的午餐,任何软件都不可能帮你提升物理带宽!cFosSpeed 也不例外。那么他能做什么呢?它是一款软件 QoS ,也就是流量整形软件,可以帮助那些在疯狂下载的同时也能保证相对流畅的阅读网页体验以及在线游戏。这对于我国大面积使用的不对称线路 (ADSL 还有那些伪光纤接入) 有非常好的效果。

cFosSpeed 有什么优点?


1. 支持多种宽带接入方式,系统底层程序,占用内存小;

cFosSpeed适用的网络接入类型: DSL, Cable,无线宽带(2G/3G), WiFi等,绝对满足日常生活中的网络需求。同时软件本身为系统底层驱动,占用内存较小,笔者这里显示的内存占用量为22M。

2. 独有的 Traffic Shaping 传输方式,全速上传时亦能改善网络响应


Traffic Shaping 几乎不需要你进行任何设置,它会自我学习,至于如何让软件更快进入状态。

3. 多人多电脑同时上网的速度协同优化,上网下载两不误:

cFosSpeed 可以让同一路由器下的多台PC通过软件自动协同达到整体最佳网络体验。打一个比方,一个宿舍的小A和小B用同一个路由器上网。如果小A在用在进行满速下载,小B在浏览网页,该软件会自动降低小A电脑迅雷的通信优先度(并不是限速!)以保证小B的流畅上网。


cFosSpeed 协同

4. 有效减少网络延迟,更低的PING值令你在网络竞技游戏中尽情厮杀

Traffic Shaping 技术已经可以有效减少传输数据时对网络延时的影响,如果你希望在游戏中能获得更小的ping,先右键托盘区的软件图标,再按下图所示进行选择。当选择优化ping时间时,软件会稍稍牺牲一些带宽来缩短ping时间。

5. 优秀的系统兼容性和软件稳定性:

相比以上那些优点,10年的开发积累,在PC兼容性上的优异表现也显得有些平淡 :程序最新版从Win XP支持到 Windows 8,原生32/64位。除此之外呢,官网上还提供了支持老Win平台下的软件版本,甚至连DOS也没落下,兼容性没的说。

cFosSpeed 软件设置入门:

1. 如何让cFosSpeed快速进入状态


2. 在cFosSpeed中设置/添加PC程序的网络优先度

进入 cFosSpeed 的设置页面,点击左侧的“程序”就能看到 cFosSpeed 已经将许多PC程序按照不同功能分为6类,并默认了它们的优先度。当然你可以拖动黄色区域的滑块来自定义每一个程序的网络优先度,即时生效。

cFosSpeed 设置

当需要添加cFosSpeed中没有的程序时,在适当的分类下点击“新程序”,然后在弹出的窗口定位程序的路径和它的优先度,并 “添加”。

记得,把所有的程序优先度都设为“最高”是不明智的: 将“迅雷(共享)”的优先度设为“最低”,然后再设置“CS(游戏)”为“最高”,这样才能在游戏中获得不错的ping值。

3. 如何临时更改个别软件的网络优先度

有时候我们突发临时要改某个软件的网络优先度,那第二条的设置就会显得很繁琐。从cFosSpeed 8开始,只需要右击托盘图标并选择 “当前连接”我们就可以通过网络进程左右的 +-号 来临时更改软件的网络优先度,非常方便:


4. 右键菜单快速切换“优化PING”&“优化网络”

Internet-Accelerator + Ping optimizer

cFosSpeed increases your throughput and reduces your Ping.

  • Keep your internet fast during heavy upload/download
  • Improve your Ping for online games
  • Reduce audio/video streaming problems

cFosSpeed optimizes your Internet connections with Traffic Shaping and Prioritization .

For all access types: DSL, Cable, Mobile Broadband (2G/3G), Wi-Fi, etc.

CFosSpeed the program, representing a network driver, which is joined to the existing Internet connection and instantly optimizes data transfer by prioritizing traffic. Traffic Shaping – a method for optimizing the Internet traffic, providing the maximum speed with minimum delay. CFosSpeed the program, representing a network driver, which is joined to the existing Internet connection and instantly optimizes data transfer by prioritizing traffic. Traffic Shaping – a method for optimizing the Internet traffic, providing the maximum speed with minimum delay.

You can use cFosSpeed with a router and or a DSL-modem or cable modem. It is also possible to use with other types of Internet connections. cFosSpeed supports an impressive range of connections such as DSL, cable, ISDN, UMTS, and others.

cFosSpeed a popular software product for fans of online gaming, peer to peer networks and consumer audio and video streaming.

cFosSpeed can itself be calibrated depending on the connection. Usually, the best results can be achieved after several days of using a program that can load the incoming and outgoing bandwidth at full speed.

Works with any practically equipment and almost worldwide. cFosSpeed will allow you to get super-fast Internet surfing, to reduce download time and response. Uses a special honor at fans of online gaming, peer to peer networks and consumer audio and video streaming.

The standard solution to compensate for this effect was to increase the size of the TCP-window that allows you to send more data without immediate confirmation. The main problems here are to increase ping (latency) and significant delays during rendering web pages. The delay of up to two seconds is not uncommon for TCP-window size of 512KB. In short, the large size of TCP-window still does not allow you to get the full speed of downloading.

On the other hand, cFos Traffic Shaping arranges data by priority in the order that important packets are always earlier than usual. Thus, the evidence always come on time, and the transfer will never clog your connection!

Technology cFos Traffic-Shaping, recognizing the important packet types and placing them in accordance with the priorities, not only smooths the Internet traffic, but also provides a low ping. This not only accelerates surfing and download speed increases, but also offers advantages in online games.

– Broadband: Cable and DSL
– Narrow band: Modem and ISDN
– DSL, PPPoA (VCmux and LLC)
– Cable
– IP over AAL
– RFC1483/2684 bridged

CFosSpeed increases throughput and reduces the ping:
Every time you connect to the internet and using more than one data stream CFosSpeed can optimize traffic.
– Improves your Ping for online games
– Supports Internet quickly during heavy loading / unloading
– NEW: Improved mobile internet
– Reduce problems with the audio / video Internet streams
– Improves voice quality in programs using VoIP

– If an ACK is not sent quickly enough, the download may be slow during the injection (in the case of the standard prioritization).
– With the standard Auto Tuning TCP for Windows download can be slow. Rashireniem RWIN for cFosSpeed can increase the speed.
– CFosSpeed can also increase download speeds for specific programs: the test results).
– CFosSpeed supports low latency ping, even with large amounts of downloads and uploads.

– Using the prioritization schemes settings, you can always give their full width of the channel program, since cFosSpeed determines which threads should be a priority.
– For example, traffic for the games, VoIP and Audio / Video data will have higher priority than downloading uploading.
– Distribution of files will by default use the entire width of the Internet channel, but slow down when the program will be used with higher priority.
– The whole scheme of prioritization is fully customizable and can be changed on the fly.

– Full download speed when downloading
– Keep a low response time of your Internet connection even under heavy load channel
– Fewer network latency in online games
– Improved sound quality in VoIP
– Status window with a custom design – you can always see what proihodit

Home Page: https://www.cfos.de/zh-cn/cfosspeed/cfosspeed.htm


网络优化器 cFosSpeed v12.0.0

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