
3D渲染 Luxion KeyShot Enteprise 2024.1 v13.0.0.92 for Windows macOS

神奇的实时3D渲染和动画制作软件—Keyshot 7已经推出,新版本带来了强大的功能改进,提供全新的材质库和室内照明模式,该软件渲染速度从始至终一直很快且操作简单,本次又采用的新算法又再次提高了工作流程效率。
Keyshot Pro 7是一个互动性的光线追踪与全域光渲染程序,具备了创建快速、准确、神奇的视觉效果所需的一切功能,提供500多种材料预置和50+ HDRI照明环境,支持超过20种的3D文件格式(Catia/Solidworks/Rhino等),支持第三方应用插件程序( Creo / Solidworks/ Rhino等),以实时的工作流程为特色,即时查看渲染和动画的形成,减少了创建完美照片的时间,从科学准确的材质和环境预设到先进的材质编辑和动画,无需复杂的设定即可产生相片般真实的3D渲染影像。


KeyShot软件的渲染速度从始至终一直很快,而且操作简单。KeyShot 7延续了这一点,让您的工作流程更加流畅,从导入到最终渲染,这些功能能够让您前所未有地快速创建视觉效果。


KeyShot 7自带6种新的照明模式,由全新的照明算法提供技术支持,可以设置或调整为室内照片或产品照片优化的场景照明,切换到性能模式,或者通过点击几下按钮,使用自己自定义的预先设置。


有了KeyShot科学准确的材质,很容易获得用户想要的外观。KeyShot 7通过先进的编辑功能和更多的材质选项,能够让您更好地控制材质,实现扩展材质和纹理的可能性。


当用户希望自己的工作流程更多地涉及创建过程时,KeyShot 7新增的功能提供了无与伦比的方法来减少那些耗时的步骤,自动处理任务,完全消除了后期处理过程。


有了KeyShot 7,便拥有了KeyShot Pro中更加强大的KeyShot HD和KeyShot动画的无限分辨率,新增的动画和KeyShotVR功能允许您创建视觉效果,并以从未有过的方式将它们呈现出来。

Amazing visuals. In real-time.

KeyShot 7 brings you more ways to create, more material possibilities, and more lighting control, with the real-time speed and the flexibility you need in the most advanced 3D rendering and animation platform available. Less time tweaking settings. More time creating. Go from model import to amazing visual, in minutes, in real-time–just the way it should be.

The Best 3D Rendering Software to Create Amazing Visuals

KeyShot is everything you need to create fast, accurate and amazing visuals. Featuring a real-time 3D rendering workflow, see results instantly and reduce the time it takes to create that perfect shot. From scientifically accurate material and environment presets to advanced material editing and animation, creating interactive product visuals or sales and marketing imagery has never been easier.

More Ways To Create

You use KeyShot to create visuals quickly. KeyShot 7 brings you more ways to do just that. From fast rendering and animation setup to creating model variations and product configurations for presentation, KeyShot 7 brings you more ways to create those amazing visuals.

KeyShot Configurator

The KeyShot Configurator allows you to present model and material variations in real-time for design reviews or touch-enabled customer experiences. Create advanced product configurators quickly through a step-by-step setup of models, components and material selections, then customize the interface layout options to provide an incredible interactive experience.

Panoramic Lens

Enable Panoramic Lens to use Spherical or Cube Map mode in real-time or render out to create spherical EXR images to use as environments to light other scenes or load in VR.

Model Sets

Create different variations of models and parts in a single scene show models in different states or using different materials.

VR Headset support

With support for VR headsets, including HTC Vive and Oculus Rift, experience real-time VR within KeyShot or output your stills and animations to view using your VR hardware.


Apply any combination of different materials to any part to facilitate non-destructive material swapping, variations and color studies.


KeyShot Studios are an all-new feature to create and save scene variations in one file for quick presentation, with a combination of cameras, environments, models or materials.

Walkthrough Mode

More control in Walkthrough Mode with collision detection to prevent walking through objects with simple sensitivity control.

More Material Possibilities

KeyShot has always been focused on providing the most scientifically accurate material appearances possible. KeyShot 7 refines this with more materials and texture types to provide exactly the look you need.

Amazing Materials

The new Cloudy Plastic material contains light-scattering particles to replicate complex, scientifically accurate materials such as Polycarbonate or ABS. The Metal material introduces over 10 scientifically accurate metal presets while all materials and textures have been updated with unit-aware settings. Easily apply textures with the new interactive mapping tool and do more with Tri-Planar, Tile UV and Video Maps and new procedural brush, mesh and weave textures.

Metallic Paint

Create deep, rich candy coats with the new texturable clear-coat color with complete control over clear-coat thickness.

New Texture Mapping

Apply textures faster with the new interactive mapping tool. Apply textures using Tri-planar, Tile UV or apply video maps.

Toon Material

More control over contours and the ability to change shadow color and texture or change the visibility of shadows produced by light materials.

New Procedurals

Color and Number Fade animations now make it possible to quickly adjust material colors or settings, change materials opacity or fade lights.

Material Templates

Material templates have been completely updated to make it faster and easier to setup and apply materials across all parts at import.

Unit-Aware Settings

Adjust your material and texture settings using actual values based on the units set for your scene.

Home Page: https://www.keyshot.com


3D渲染 Luxion KeyShot Enteprise 2024.1 v13.0.0.92 macOS U2B
3D渲染 Luxion KeyShot Enteprise 2024.1 v13.0.0.92 with Content x64
3D渲染 Luxion KeyShot Enteprise 2024.1 v13.0.0.92 x64

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