
最佳软件本地化方案 自动化汉化工具 Sisulizer Enterprise Edition 4.0 Build 374

Sisulizer 是企业最佳的软件本地化工具,为日益全球化的软件公司提供最佳的软件本地化体验。它使用共享的译码存储系统,可广泛的应用于服务器数据库的本地化和Web应用程序的本地化。通过使用我们提供的命令行工具,用户可以在其软件开发过程中集成Sisulizer的功能。其翻译网格中支持的实时拼写检查能帮助用户的翻译程序创建质量更优的翻译,此外,其提供了许多报表以及验证功能,以帮助用户对其软件进行更佳的本地化工作。Sisulizer 有着良好的机器翻译服务的用户接口。


  • 用户只需简单的三步即可完成本地化工作:扫描,翻译以及构建。
  • 瞬间完成本地化更新。用户只需点击”Scan for Changes”按钮,Sisulizer即可显示所有的新的,改变的,或者移除掉的字符串,并且能自动的对既有翻译内容进行重用。能极大的节省日常开支以及翻译成本。
  • 能对诸如可执行文件或者DLL文件之类的二进制文件进行本地化。无需提供源代码。
  • 安全性保障。Sisulizer为二进制文件生成本地化版本,而无需对您的原始工程文件作任何修改。
  • 能翻译为任何人类语言,包括阿拉伯语,中文,希腊语,希伯来语,日语,韩语以及任何用户自定义语言。
  • 可翻译为可视化文本(所见即所得)。所以所有用户都可对之进行翻译,包括您,您的翻译,或者身在其他国家的合作者,您再也无需被他们带着无尽的问题轰炸了。
  • 再也无需再次翻译了。Sisulizer能自动记住您曾做过的所有翻译,这极大的节省了时间与金钱。
  • 能本地化所有的Windows的APP,包括一些当下流行的语言诸如,C/C++, Delphi, Java, 和 VB6, plus Qt, gnuGetText,以及一些Ini文件,比如Pocket PC等。
  • 用户可以在工程文件处于任何状态(alpha, beta,发布, 较小升级或重大更新)时即对之进行本地化。减少了您用于市场推广的时间以及能更快的使得资金回流。


  • 完全支持.NET应用程序。可本地化C#,VB.NET Winforms, Silverlight以及WPF应用程序。其还支持ResX以及二进制资源库进行本地化。
  • 在原工程中翻译帮助文件。对翻译记录的共享加快了工作进度,减少了该过程中与翻译软件的通讯,时间与经济上均能大幅节省。
  • 支持本地化的主要格式:本地数据库,HTML,XML文件。
  • 除了内置的翻译内存以外,其还能与您的翻译软件进行翻译记录交换。
  • 适用于多种语言的实时的拼写检测器能帮助找出翻译文本以及原始文本中的错误。
  • 其有着强大用于翻译验证的QA功能,能帮助解决一些翻译过程中的一般性错误,诸如忘记的菜单快捷方式,错误的占位符数目,甚至一些在翻译过程中尚未发生的错误。
  • 其报表与统计功能使得用户能实时掌握本地化的状态与进度。


  • 拥有帮助将Sisulizer集成入所创建程序的命令行工具。
  • 拥有用ASP,JAP和PHP语言编写的Web应用程序本地化功能
  • 本地化服务器数据库
  • 可使用基于服务器的翻译记忆功能
  • 可使用了机器翻译引擎

使用Sisulizer 进行软件本地化的三个步骤:


Sisulizer 可用于处理C/C++、C#、C++ Builder XE7(v4新功能)、Delphi XE7(v4新功能)、FireMonkey、 iOS、Visual C++、 Visual Basic、 Java、Windows二进制文件、HTML帮助文件(.chm)、XLIFF以及 .NET(包括WPF)等程序文本。

本软件常用处理 HTML和XML格式文件,还可以从文本文件(如.txt、.ini以及.po)、JSON文件、数据库等地方提取文本。你可以确定哪些Windows资源需要本地化,包含图标、菜单、对话框、字符串、加速器、版本等资源清单。Sisulizer也可用于移动平台。软件支持 .NET智能设备、Android (v4新功能)、袖珍个人电脑以及J2ME。



使用Sisulizer交流向导( Sisulizer’s Exchange Wizard )能够创建和发送你翻译的文件,这其中包含自安装的Sisulizer免费版以及你的项目文件。


v4版本的新的翻译功能:64位Windows上多达4 GB项目文件,本地化屏幕保护程序文件(scr),关系数据库与打印文件,Visual Basic WPF本地化,从SalesForce文件或TBX中导入翻译,改进速度、可用性、自动化等等。






Localize your software and open new markets

Sisulizer 4 helps software developers to translate strings and/or string resources in Delphi, C#, VB.NET, C++, C, Java, HTML, ASP, PHP, Javascript, Silverlight, XML, Visual Basic, Databases, HTML Help, GNU gettext, and many more formats. We at Sisulizer call this state-of-the-art software localization.

Sisulizer version 4 comes with support for new platforms like iOS, Android, FireMonkey, Delphi (incl. 64-Bit) and improved .NET support. It comes with many new features like the built-in Translation Memory Editor, true HTML preview, and dozens more useful improvements requested by our users.

To make your update and upgrade easy we developed a new Update and Upgrade Calculator. All you need is an email address and your current Sisulizer license key.

Sisulizer version 4 is the next generation in software localization

Localize Your Software & Increase Your Revenue. When you localize your applications and make them available in new languages, you open new markets and new revenue streams. Sisulizer lets you increase profits by making it easy to offer your software in multiple languages.

Don’t give translators access to your source code. With Sisulizer, you can provide your translation team with the information they need, without making them wade through complicated programming code, and without giving up control of your source code.

Start using Sisulizer now, and enjoy the profits of multi-national and multi-language sales

Sisulizer opens the door to increased sales and profits by making it easy to translate your software into many languages. With Sisulizer, you and your translator work with a powerful, easy-to-use visual “what you see is what you get” editor. And, Sisulizer gives you complete controlover the process.

  • Download the Sisulizer evaluation and try with your current project or try one of the many samples coming with the installation. Sisulizer will not change your source code.
  • Download our Quick Start manual to learn how to start.
  • Join our online forum and learn what others think about Sisulizer.
  • Choose the right Sisulizer Edition for your needs.
  • Read our blog for background information and more.

Localize your software with Sisulizer in three simple steps

First, scan the application and locate all of the text

Sisulizer can work directly with your C/C++, C#, C++ Builder 10 (New), Delphi 10 (New), FireMonkey, iOS (New), Visual C++, Visual Basic, Java, Windows binary files, HTML Help(.chm), XLIFF, or with .NET (incl. WPF).

The software works visually with HTML, and XML. Sisulizer can also grab text from text files (e.g. txt, ini, and po), JSON files and databases (even more). You determine which Windows resources you want to localize, including icons, menus, dialog boxes, strings, accelerators, versions, and manifest resources. Sisulizer also operates in the mobile world. The software supports .NET Compact Framework, Android(New), Pocket PC, and J2ME.

Second, translate the text with Sisulizer’s visual editor

You have complete control over every word to be translated. You can begin the translation work yourself, and mark each phrase as translated properly, auto-translated, translated by best guess, out for review, or complete.

Use Sisulizer’s Exchange Wizard to create and send your translator a single file that contains a self-installing Sisulizer Free Edition, along with your project file.

When your translator has completed the translation, they’ll run Exchange Wizard to create a single file that is sent back to you.

New translate features in version 4: Use up to 4 GB project files on 64-bit Windows, localize Screen saver files (scr), NexusDB and TypeScript, Visual Basic WPF localization, import translations from SalesForce files or TBX, improved automatization, speed, and usability, and much more.

Third, build the localized version

Now that your translator has finished translating all of your strings, and you’ve received your updated file, simply run Sisulizer to build the new version of your program in the new language.

It’s that easy! You’re in control throughout the project, and localization has never been simpler.

Sisulizer easily handles all languages, including right-to-left and double-byte languages. And the program keeps track of what has already been translated, making it fast and inexpensive for you to translate later versions of your application.

Home Page: https://www.sisulizer.com


最佳软件本地化方案 自动化汉化工具 Sisulizer Enterprise Edition 4.0 Build 374

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文章名称:《最佳软件本地化方案 自动化汉化工具 Sisulizer Enterprise Edition 4.0 Build 374》


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  1. #0
    Microsoft Edge 103 Microsoft Edge 103 Windows 10 Windows 10


    gxjk58883年前 (2022-06-27)
  2. #0
    Google Chrome 63 Google Chrome 63 Windows 7 Windows 7


    maclinux6年前 (2019-02-26)


