
免费PDF阅读器 Adobe Acrobat Reader DC v2023.001.20064 MUI for Windows x86 x64 for Windows macOS Andriod

免费PDF阅读器 Adobe Acrobat Reader DC离线安装包下载
Adobe Acrobat Reader DC 软件是可靠查看、打印和注释 PDF 文档的全球化免费标准。
它是唯一能够打开各类 PDF 文档并与之互动的 PDF 阅读器,包括表单和多媒体内容。

出色的 PDF 查看器功能更加完善。

使用我们的免费 Adobe Acrobat Reader 查看、签署、

协作处理和批注 PDF 文件。若要创建、保护、转换、

编辑 PDF,请试用 Acrobat Pro。

只需一次单击,即可增强您的 PDF 技能。

只有利用 Adobe Acrobat Reader,才能免费查看、签署、共享 PDF 并收集和跟踪其相关反馈。如果您想要完成更多操作,请订阅 Acrobat Pro。然后,您可以编辑、导出和发送 PDF 进行签名。

查看、注释和协作处理 PDF 文件。

可执行的操作远不止打开和查看 PDF 文件。轻松注释和共享文档,通过一个在线共享的 PDF 收集和整合来自多个审阅者的注释。


Acrobat Reader 已连接到 Adobe Document Cloud,因此您可以随时随地使用 PDF。您甚至可以在 Box、Dropbox、Google Drive 或 Microsoft OneDrive 中访问和存储文件。

免费PDF阅读器 Adobe Acrobat Reader DC

Adobe Acrobat Reader DC is the completely reimagined desktop version of the world’s best PDF solution. And with Adobe Acrobat Reader DC, you can create, export, edit and track PDFs from anywhere – and stay connected to recent files across all your devices.

Clean feature lineup
The application allows you to write down comments and feedback using a separate frame in the right side of the window, while the reading space is not affected at all.

In fact, this is one of this tool’s strong points: the interface is quite clean, but still manages to provide a lot of tools for zooming, selecting text, printing, adding bookmarks and many others.

Supported file formats and fast searches
A great thing about Adobe Reader XI is its ability to work with CAD designs and geospatial maps converted to Portable Document Format. Also, in case you need to locate any element within a PDF file, the application offers a comprehensive file searching engine that finds what you need in a matter of seconds.

Security tools
The security functions enable you to view and work with PDF documents without having to worry about malicious code being executed on your machine. The ‘Protected Mode’ and the ‘Enhanced Security’ features are designed to safeguard your computer and provide data protection and privacy.

Configuration settings
When it comes to customizing Adobe Reader XI, the Preferences area will give you the possibility to modify a wide range of settings. Comments, 3D and multimedia, measuring and reading options are available, as well as spelling or page units configurations.

In case you find Adobe Reader XI too difficult to use, the application includes a comprehensive help manual. Unfortunately you will need an Internet connection to access it, which means you won’t be able to read the documentation in offline mode.

A top PDF viewer on the market
All things considered, with this software app you can’t get it wrong simply because it still sets the standards insofar as PDF documents are concerned. Adobe Reader XI really works as advertised and is the leading tool for viewing Portable Document Format files.

Home Page: https://www.adobe.com



免费PDF阅读器 Adobe Acrobat Reader DC v2023.001.20064 MUI for Windows x86 x64 for Windows macOS Andriod

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文章名称:《免费PDF阅读器 Adobe Acrobat Reader DC v2023.001.20064 MUI for Windows x86 x64 for Windows macOS Andriod》


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