
CyberLink PhotoDirector Ultra 10.0.2509.0 for Windows

PhotoDirector结合所有专业相片创意编修所需功能,包含高效率相片管理、全方位相片调整及创意编修工具。而PhotoDirector 极致组合包中,包含两大影相产品:PhotoDirector 6极致版─全方位相片工作流程软件,以及ColorDirector 极致版─创意视频后制调色软件,一次拥有,无论是相片或视频,完美呈现您快门捕捉到的精彩画面!

CyberLink PhotoDirector Ultra 10

Photo editing doesn’t have to be daunting. PhotoDirector features a wide range of easy-to-use, professional-quality tools built specifically for turning your photos into stunning artworks no matter how you shoot. Whether you’re working with the latest 360˚ or DSLR camera, or just a simple point-and-shoot device, PhotoDirector is the definitive creative photo editing solution.

Express Template Packs (NEW!)
Express Layer Packs contain all the layer components that make up complex images. They’re not only an easy way to put together stunning images, but also help to show how layers combine to produce photographic effects.

Creativity Powered by AI (NEW!)
We’ve trained our AI Style Engine to analyze images in detail and identify different aspects of each shot. It then intelligently applies brushstrokes that make your shots look like they were designed and painted by a master artist.

One-click Photo Presets
Create impressive photos with creative presets including HDR, black & white and split tone as well as presets designed specifically for portraits & landscapes.

One-click Keystone Correction (NEW!)
Intelligently fix image perspective to make objects appear flat on the horizon.

Incredible Multi-exposure Shots
Easily extract a series of photos from a video clip and turn them into incredibly creative multi-exposure images with just a single click.
Create amazing motion stills and cinemagraphs from videos. A moving scene frozen in time.

Vibrant Motion Stills™ (UNIQUE!)
Brush over sections of a video clip to retain movement in that area only. Other parts of your photo will appear frozen in time.
Take perfect group shots every time using video.

Video-to-Photo Face Swap (UNIQUE!)
Instantly create perfect group photos from video clips. Ensure everyone is smiling, and all eyes are open!

360˚ Little Planets
Turn your photos into a world of their own in just a few quick clicks with the new Little Planet feature.

Panoramas from 360º Shots
Creating panorama images has never been easier. With a 360º image and PhotoDirector, you will create artistic panoramic shots in no time.

Straighten 360º Photos (UNIQUE!)
Ensure that your 360º photos are picture perfect. Straighten them so that to remove distortions on the horizon for perfect shots every time.

Face & People Beautification
The broad collection of easy-to-use touch-up tools in the new PhotoDirector make it easy to professionally remove imperfections from your portraits, selfies, and group shots.

Sharper Images. Better Clarity.
Strip away haze, fog and smog to reveal crisp, clear landscapes with the intuitive Dehaze slider.

Tethered Shooting (NEW!)
Tethered shooting enables you to get the perfect photo in fewer attempts. Each shot you take is instantly ready to view on your monitor so that you can quickly identify & fix problems with focus, lighting or composition.

Soft Proofing (NEW!)
With soft proofing, you’re able to save even more time allowing you to view a simulated printer output on your monitor with gamut warning. Foresee and correct any issues that may arise when you print your work.

Advanced Layer Editing (ENHANCED!)
Layer editing provides the flexibility to create unique image compositions by combining images, texts and graphics. Using a combination of blending modes and masks, your creative possibilities are virtually endless.

– Creative Blending Modes
– Apply Clipping Mask (NEW!)
– Use Adjustment Layers (NEW!)
– Group Layers (NEW!)
– Layer Mask (NEW!)
– Advanced Text Editing in Layers (NEW!)

Home Page: https://www.cyberlink.com


CyberLink PhotoDirector Ultra 10.0.2509.0 for Windows

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