PDF-XChange Editor – 最小,最快,功能最丰富的免费PDF编辑器/PDF阅读器!专注于PDF电子文档的编辑功能,体积小巧,速度飞快,界面友好,打开PDF文件速度快,具备丰富的配置和功能选项,可以帮助您快速的制作和编写PDF电子文档!支持创建,查看,编辑,注释,OCR识别和数字签名PDF文件等等功能。
PDF-XChange Editor
The smallest, fastest and most feature-rich free PDF viewer/editor on the market.
Create, view, edit, annotate, OCR and digitally sign PDF files – and that’s just the beginning. Please see below for a breakdown of the main features of PDF-XChange Editor.
The PDF-XChange Lite virtual printer is also included with this product at no additional cost.
More than 60% of the features in PDF-XChange Editor do not require a license to use. The remaining features, which are clearly identified, will place a ‘trial’ watermark on output if they are used without a license.
PDF-XChange Editor Plus includes additional functionality for the creation and editing of fillable forms and the creation of customizable dynamic stamps.
Home Page: https://www.tracker-software.com/product/pdf-xchange-editor
PDF OCR识别编辑 PDF-XChange Pro 9.4.364.0
PDF OCR识别编辑 PDF-XChange Editor Plus 9.4.364.0